Welcome Author and Guest-Blogger Jon Keys!

HeartofthePinesLGMy guest today is Dreamspinner Press author Jon Keys, here to talk about Heart of the Pines, his brand spanking new release and part of Dreamspinner Press’s Advent Calendar for 2013.  Welcome, Jon!  So great to have you here.


Happy Thursday Shira! Thanks for having me as a guest. I’m here to share news of my first publication through Dreamspinner Press. “Heart of the Pines” was released on December 1 as part of Dreamspinner’s Advent Calendar.

I thought I’d share a little bit about how my characters develop. I consider my stories to be character driven. The first fiction I wrote was an on-line piece titled “Wrangler Butts”. It was certainly a seat of the pants writing. I had a couple of characters that I thought would be interesting to see develop. From there, they progressed against all kinds of adversity, life wasn’t easy but they pulled themselves up after each one, sucked it up and then moved on. Sometimes with a new scar or two, but always forward.

“Heart of the Pines” has a similar beginning, but after a few hundred thousand words under my belt, I do more planning and had an ending more firmly in mind. The idea was started by a comment from one of my readers that he wished I had more characters closer to his age. So Chris and Wade were born.

With my contemporary writing I like to keep the action as realistic as possible, but in a hopeful direction. I love to thread the reader through the ups and down of their lives. My characters get knocked down all the time. But they pick themselves up, make whatever adjustments should happen, and then move forward. My characters aren’t paragons of virtue, or hopeless puddle of goo. Okay, well they can be goo for a little while, but they have to pull themselves together and move on.

I love getting the notes from fans saying they would like to sit down for a beer and great conversation with my characters. I hope people find some entertainment in my writing, if they get something more, that’s just icing on the cake for me.

I hope everyone enjoys the newest story.

~ Jon ~


Blur: Christmas is the worst time of the year to find yourself alone. Chris Moss, owner of a tree farm, knows this down to his bones as he makes his way through his first holiday season after losing his wife to cancer. When Wade Hart, an annual customer at the farm, visits, they find common ground: Wade lost his own longtime lover to a parting of ways and is lonely too. The constant, gentle companionship provides fertile soil for an attraction neither expects, but nurturing a new relationship is a tough proposition. With the encouragement of family and friends, Chris and Wade may yet find that a second love later in life can be just as fulfilling as the first.


Excerpt from Heart of the Pines.

Jets of steamy breath shot from Wade’s nostrils as he struggled to drag the enormous Christmas tree across the loose Michigan snow. The bells on Chris’s Santa hat jingled merrily as he hurried out to help his friend pull the tree up the final hillock to the barn.

“Here, let me give you a hand.” Stepping along the slowing tree, Chris wrapped a glove-covered hand around a branch and lent his strength to the effort.

Wade nodded and smiled. “Thanks, it’s a little much by myself.”

“No problem, happy to help. Looks like you got a beaut,” said Chris.

Wade pulled off his knit hat and wiped the perspiration from his head. “It’s a good one. I think I’ve covered your whole farm, several times, to find the perfect tree.”

They pulled the tree into the work area and hoisted it onto the sawbuck. “Want me to trim it up for you?”

“Sure. One less thing I’ll have to do.” Wade laid the handsaw he’d used on the table behind them, then tugged his thick cap on while Chris made a few quick cuts with the chainsaw to ready the tree for his stand. The roar of the saw faded, and Chris struggled for a few minutes as he tried to push the tree into the netting. As he began his second attempt, Wade woke from his stupor and grabbed the other side of the tree.

“Sorry, I’m a little spacey today,” said Wade.

With his help, Chris slid the tree into the tube of netting, getting it ready for Wade’s SUV. “No problem. It’s a huge tree. I hope Jeff will be around to help you unload.”

Wade folded his arms over his chest, a pained look on his face. “Jeff moved out. Last week. I thought makin’ our annual trip to your farm for a tree would keep me from thinkin’ about it.” Wade turned his head and let out a shuddering sigh. “I guess it’s not ‘our’ trip anymore.”

Chris gave Wade’s shoulder a squeeze. “Sorry to hear that. You guys always seemed happy together. Jeff was always cutting up and flirting with Mary.” I haven’t forgotten you attended her funeral.

“It happens. I guess we lasted longer than a lot of couples. Ten years isn’t bad.” Wade’s fingers ran over one of the fir boughs edging the barn windows. “It was good in the beginning, like newlyweds. Jeff loved our loft in Chicago. But ever since we moved to Traverse City, the relationship had slowly gone downhill. Our business downtown was an attempt to find something to keep Jeff happy.”

The pain in Wade’s eyes sparked a wave of bitter nostalgia for Chris. He missed Mary so desperately some days. She always was the caretaker of the family, even when they got the diagnosis of stage-four cancer; she still took care of everyone else until it was impossible for her to keep doing it. He turned to the barn behind them, pulled off the Santa hat, and held it tight in his hands as the frigid air gusted through his short white hair.

The farm was always beautiful this time of year, the ground covered with crystalline flakes in a white carpet that extended to the steps of the house, which he kept carefully swept. He hadn’t changed anything since Mary died. It had been more difficult in the summer when the beds that hugged the foundation of their house were ablaze with flowers Mary had planted and nursed through the years. The winter covering had been a blessed relief, but his heart still ached at the lack of holiday decorations. Mary had loved the season, and given half a chance, she covered everything within striking distance with lights. Without her, the trimmings just hadn’t mattered.

He shook himself and focused on finishing with Wade’s tree. He tied the bottom of the netting and turned to Wade. “There you go. All bundled and ready to put in that great foyer you have.”

“Not so grand this year. It’s kind of tough to get into the spirit of the season.”

Chris gave Wade a sympathetic smile. “It could be worse….”

Realization hit Wade. “Oh my God! I can’t believe I’ve been such an ass. This is your first Christmas alone. I’m so sorry, Chris. I feel awful.”

“It’s not your fault. It’s been almost a year since her funeral. It’s ancient history to most people.” Although it seems like yesterday to me. I can still feel her soft hand in mine as we picnicked on one of Lake Michigan’s sugar sand beaches on our first date, playing in the chilly crystal clear water. Even then, she’d taken care of everything and had the perfect lunch basket packed.

“Yeah, but Mary always said Christmas was her favorite time of the year.”

“It was, and I haven’t felt like doing much. It’s a lot more work to take care of the farm alone too. But the income for the whole year happens in the next month or so. Doesn’t leave me with many choices.” Chris smiled at Wade. “Bad thing about a Christmas tree farm, firs just aren’t that tasty.”

Wade gave a nod, and then his eyes lit up. “Hey, what if I do it? I’ve helped Mary put up the decorations before. It’ll keep me busy, and Santa’s Tree Farm needs to look more festive than either of us feels.”

Chris couldn’t help but smile at the sudden enthusiasm. “If you’d like, that would be great. I just can’t face the stuff. Too many memories.”

“Southern boy to the rescue! I got this covered.” Wade clapped his hand on Chris’s bicep and squeezed it. Chris found a comfort from the contact that surprised him. Mary’s touch had always had that unique ability to soothe him. Some nights its absence had left him curled around her pillow with tears streaming down his face.

Chris fished a ring of keys from his pocket, flipped through them, and held one out for Wade. “This unlocks the storage padlock. Anything you want to do would be great. I have a few customers wandering around looking for trees. I better go check on them.”

Chris raced through the light snowfall while Wade started for the storage building.

eBook Link:  http://tinyurl.com/poamkye


Bio:  Jon Keys’ earliest memories revolve around books; with the first ones he can recall reading himself being “The Warlord of Mars” and anything with Tarzan. (The local library wasn’t particularly up to date.) But as puberty set in he started sneaking his mother’s romance magazines and added the world of romance and erotica to his mix of science fiction, fantasy, and comic books.

A voracious reader for almost half a century, Jon has only recently begun creating his own flights of fiction for the entertainment of others. Born in the Southwest and now living in the Midwest, Jon has worked as a ranch hand, teacher, computer tech, roughneck, designer, retail clerk, welder, artist, and, yes, pool boy; with interests ranging from kayaking and hunting to painting and cooking, he draws from a wide range of life experiences to create written works that draw the reader in and wrap them in a good story.

E-mail: jon.keys@ymail.com

Blog: http://jonkeys.com/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/jon.keys.773

Twitter: @Jon4Keys




  1. Lynette - Reply

    I bought the Advent Calendar so I’m anxiously waiting for this story to show up in my email. I’m sure I’ll enjoy it as much as I do all your other stuff!

  2. Ashley E - Reply

    This sounds like a great story! Sweet second chances are great holiday reads. 🙂

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