Benvenuto and Bienvenu “Blue Notes!”

Happy Friday everyone!  I’ve got a big announcement to make (I’m SO excited)!  But first, just to catch you up…

It’s going to be a busy weekend for me (I guess every weekend it busy for me these days).  Tomorrow, Saturday May 11th, I’m chatting on the Dreamspinner Press Facebook page.  I’ll be sharing excerpts from the recently released Prelude and my WIP, Encore, as well.  I’ll also be running some fun contests and talking about sexy mermen shifters (yes, Stealing the Wind, the first book in my mermen/shifter series will be released in August or September!).  Here’s the link to the invitation:  sign up and you’ll receive a reminder before the chat!

Today, I’m over at Kim Fielding’s blog, talking about series and how the Blue Notes Series began.  On Sunday, I’ll be at Julie Lynn Hayes’ blog talking about another aspect of the Blue Notes Series.  And on Monday, I’ll be visiting the lovely Madison Parker!

So the big news? Blue Notes, the original book in the Blue Notes Series, will be translated into Italian and French!  I can’t tell you how thrilled I am!  I look forward to reading the French, in particular (mostly because my Italian is so rusty, I’m not sure how much I’ll be able to read).  Look for the Italian version sometime in the next six months.  I know I’ll be the first person to buy a copy!

Please don’t forget to comment on any of this weeks posts to be entered into the drawings for a Blue Notes Series t-shirt of your choice (any cover including Prelude, subject to availability of sizes); a Prelude mouse pad; or an ebook copy of your choice of any of my Dreamspinner Press back catalog books (so anything BUT Prelude). Contest ends midnight Saturday, May 11th. –Shira

PS: Want to read an excerpt from Prelude? Click on this link and scroll down to the excerpt tab.


Summary: World-renowned conductor David Somers never wanted the investment firm he inherited from his domineering grandfather. He only wanted to be a composer. But no matter how he struggles, David can’t translate the music in his head into notes on paper.

When a guest violinist at the Chicago Symphony falls ill, David meets Alex Bishop, a last-minute substitute. Alex’s fame and outrageous tattoos fail to move David. Then Alex puts bow to string, and David hears the brilliance of Alex’s soul.

David has sworn off relationships, believing he will eventually drive away those he loves, or that he’ll lose them as he lost his wife and parents. But Alex is outgoing, relaxed, and congenial—everything David is not—and soon makes dents in the armor around David’s heart. David begins to dream of Alex, wonderful dreams full of music. Becoming a composer suddenly feels attainable.

David’s fragile ego, worn away by years of his grandfather’s disdain, makes losing control difficult. When David’s structured world comes crashing down, his fledgling relationship with Alex is the first casualty. Still, David hears Alex’s music, haunting and beautiful. David wants to love Alex, but first he must find the strength to acknowledge himself.

NOTE: Each Blue Notes novel is a standalone story and books in the series can be read in any order.

Want to buy the Blue Notes Series books? You can find them all here:


  1. Natalija - Reply

    Congratulations on the big news! Although I live in Italy, I always buy my MM books in English. It would be interesting to read them in translation 🙂

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