Category: Gay Romance

Guest Blogger H.B. Pattskyn is “Hanging by the Moment”

Welcome Helen (H.B.) Pattskyn!  Helen is here to talk about her brand new Dreamspinner Press release, Hanging by the Moment, a beautiful and haunting love story that I had the…

Guest Blogger C. Kennedy: Why I Write the Kind of Stories I do

My very special guest today is my good friend and fellow author, C. Kennedy.  Cody’s first Harmony Ink Press novel, Omorphi, was released yesterday, September 19th.  Omorphi (which translates from Greek…

The Many Genres of Rebecca Cohen – Guest Post

My guest today is Rebecca Cohen, fellow Dreamspinner Press author, writer, and beta-reader extraordinaire (okay, so she’s a fabulous writer who puts up with my not-so-perfect manuscripts!).  Rebecca’s new release, Life…